Civil-Military Relations in Europe
H Born
Not Available
The US Military Profession Into the Twenty-First Century
Sam C Sarkesian and 1 more
Military Leadership in the British Civil Wars, 1642-1651
Stanley DM Carpenter
Leaders in War
Frederick W Kagan
Interpreting China's Military Power
Ka Po Ng
Managing Defence in a Democracy
Laura R Cleary
Cultural Diversity in the Armed Forces
J Soeters and 1 more
Military Advising and Assistance
Donald J Stoker
War and Media Operations
Thomas Rid
Gender and the Military
Helena ISCTEUniversity Institute of Lisbon and 1 more
Conscription in the Napoleonic Era
Donald J Stoker and 2 more
Social Sciences and the Military
Giuseppe University of Pisa and 1 more
Hans Born
Strategic Culture and Ways of War
Lawrence Sondhaus
Military Honour and the Conduct of War
Paul Robinson
Joseph L Royal Netherlands Military Academy and Tilburg University and 1 more
The Military and Domestic Politics
Rebecca L Schiff
Railways and the Russo-Japanese War
Felix Patrikeeff and 1 more
Special Forces, Strategy and the War on Terror
Alastair Finlan
Military Cooperation in Multinational Peace Operations
Joseph Soeters
Private Military and Security Companies
Andrew Alexandra
Civil-Military Cooperation in Post-Conflict Operations
Christopher Ankersen
Managing Military Organizations
Donald Stoker
Joseph Soeters and 2 more
Understanding Counterinsurgency
Thomas Rid and 1 more
Complex Peace Operations and Civil-Military Relations
Robert Egnell
Britain's War Plans 1919-1939
Steven T Ross
Strategy in the American War of Independence
Managing Diversity in the Military
Daniel P Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute and 1 more
The US Military
Judith Hicks Stiehm
Modern War and the Utility of Force
Isabelle Duyvesteyn
Military Integration after Civil Wars
Florence Gaub
Democratic Citizenship and War
Yoav TelAviv University and 1 more
The Tet Effect
Jake Blood
Educating America's Military
Joan US Naval War College and 1 more
Rostov in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1920
Brian Murphy
Clausewitz and African War
The Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965-1991
Edward George
Military Health Care
Jomana Naval Postgraduate School and 2 more
Understanding Military Doctrine
Harald Norwegian Defence University College and 1 more
Europe, Strategy and Armed Forces
Sven Biscop and 1 more
Military Ethics and Virtues
Peter Olsthoorn
Khedive Ismail's Army
John P Dunn
Military Unionism In The Post-Cold War Era
Christopher Dandeker
Military Strategy as Public Discourse
Tadd US Air Combat Command and 2 more
Imperial Defence
Greg Kennedy
Ancient China on Postmodern War
Thomas M Kane
Qualitative Methods in Military Studies
Military Intervention, Stabilisation and Peace
Christian Cranfield University and 1 more
Militarism and International Relations
Anna Stavrianakis
The Dynamics of War
Jan Ângström and 1 more
The Counter-Insurgency Myth
Andrew Mumford
International Military Operations in the 21st Century
Per M NorheimMartinsen
Modernity, the Media and the Military
John F Williams
Military Families and War in the 21st Century
Rene Moelker and 3 more
Rene Moelker
Contemporary Military Culture and Strategic Studies
Military Innovation in Small States
Michael Nanyang Technological University and 1 more
Transforming Warriors
Peter Swedish Defence University and 1 more
Per M NorheimMartinsen and 1 more
Space Warfare in the 21st Century
Private Security Companies during the Iraq War
Scott University of Limerick and 1 more
Contemporary Military Innovation
Dima Harvard University and 1 more
Security, Strategy and Military Change in the 21st Century
Jo Inge Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies and 1 more
Researching the Military
Democratic Civil-Military Relations
Sabine Peace Research Institute and 2 more
Strategy Before Clausewitz
Beatrice University of Reading and 1 more
Special Operations Forces in the 21st Century
Jessica Glicken Turnley and 2 more
Civilians and Warfare in World History
Nicola Florida Gulf Coast University and 1 more
The Military and Liberal Society
Tomas Charles University in Prague and 1 more
Harald Høiback
Drones and the Future of Air Warfare
Michael P Kreuzer
War and Strategy in the Modern World
Azar Tel Aviv University and 1 more
Sociology and Military Studies
Joseph Royal Netherlands Military Academy and Tilburg University and 1 more
European Military Culture and Security Governance
Tamir Libel
Countering Insurgencies and Violent Extremism in South and South East Asia
Shanthie DSouza
The Politics of Military Families
René Moelker and 2 more
Organisational Learning and the Modern Army
Tom Royal Holloway and 2 more
Nicola Foote and 1 more
Management and Military Studies
Military Strategy of Small States
Håkan Swedish Defence University and 5 more
Understanding Insurgent Resilience
Andrew Henshaw
Western Military Interventions After the Cold War
Marek Madej
Azar Gat
Shanthie Mariet DSouza
Michael Raska
Military Mission Formations and Hybrid Wars
Thomas Vladimir Brønd
Commercial Insurgencies in the Networked Era
Oscar Del Rosario University and 1 more
French Defence Policy Since the End of the Cold War
Alice Johns Hopkins University and 3 more
Israel, Strategic Culture and the Conflict with Hamas
Niccolò Roma Tre University and 1 more
René Moelker
Tom Dyson
Counterinsurgency Warfare and Brutalisation
Roberto Colombo and 1 more
A Global History of Pre-Modern Warfare
Kaushik Roy
Kaushik Jadavpur University and 1 more
Defence Diplomacy
Daniel H Baker Institute and 2 more
Civil-Military Relations in International Interventions
Karsten Friis
Managing Security
Laura Richards Cleary and 1 more
Understanding the Impact of Social Research on the Military
Eyal Security and Peace at Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee and 1 more
Civil-Military Cooperation in International Interventions
Agata Jagiellonian University and 1 more
Military Strategy of Middle Powers
Thomas Vladimir Brond and 2 more
Contemporary Military Reserves
War and International Relations
Balazs Szanto
The Rise and Fall of Network-Centric Warfare
Manabrata Guha
Russia's Armed Forces
Rod Thornton
Military Strategy of Great Powers
Civil-Military Relations in the United States
Richard H Kohn
Alice Pannier and 1 more
Understanding Battlefield Coalitions
Rosella Boston University and 1 more
Eyal BenAri and 2 more
Supreme Leadership in Modern War
James Marine Corps University and 2 more
Jim Lacey and 1 more
Proxy War in Yemen
Bernd Kaussler and 1 more
Agata Mazurkiewicz
Andrew D Henshaw
The Air War in Ukraine
Dag Henriksen and 1 more
The Evolution of the US Air Force
Israel Guy
Military Strategies of the New European Allies
Håkan Edström and 1 more
Eyal BenAri and 1 more
Special Operations and National Security
Ben Gans
Military Strategy in an Era of Unipolar Demise
Rosella Cappella Zielinski and 1 more
Civil-Military Interaction During Disaster Response
Emily M Chapman
Transforming Civil-Security Relations in the Middle East
Birthe Hansen and 1 more